Some energies seem to have become stronger, clearer, better attuned since the 2020 winter solstice, but healing and cleansing work continues. This year I frequently have felt my liver, which affects my lungs at times too, and occasionally I feel my pancreas. I kept on resisting doing liver cleansings/ clearing liver stones in the past, but it has become unavoidable now. Though there is some energetic element in there too. The other night I lay awake for long, trying to clear my solar plexus chakra, and energies just would not shift. After a while I had an intuition though, which helped, and which I’d like to share:
I learned years ago, that when we leave our bodies, we leave the lower chakras behind. Everything from the heart chakra up, we take with us into the in between lives realms! As described in previous posts, I had learned that I needed to clear negative and confused energies from between lives as well, but I had disregarded, that this would mainly just affect the upper chakras!? The lower chakras, physical and emotional energies, might well be out of reach, and disconnected from my self in between incarnations? There might also be less in terms of cleansing, forgiving, letting go happening for those levels? Yet in the body, in the here and now, much in terms of joy as well as sickness is connected to the lower chakras!
It makes me wonder, what happens to the accumulated energies of the say sacral chakra of a being’s life, when she/he/it leaves their body? A lot of joy as well as suffering might have accumulated over a life time! Are the suffering energies healed, or do they await our return, to connect to us in our new incarnation/form? Who looks after them. Are they looked after safely, or can they be used and abused to harm others? I.e. do ‘good’ beings look after them, bad guys, or potentially both? And when we reenter our new form, do we get all of them back, have they been modified, are energies from our forefathers’ bodies added to the mix (likely if we consider genetics)? Obviously we do not usually enter a new body and feel the whole accumulated suffering of prior live times? I assume that such are ‘given back’ to us, over the course of our new incarnation?
Anyway, if we want to shift karma in/for the lower chakras, I found it seems more effective if I ask for this specifically! Sure, I have done tons of chakra clearings in this life already, for all chakras, but I now added a few more considerations. I also ask for healings/cleansings for (suffering) energies waiting to be ‘given back’ to me! Clear suffering lower chakra energies, that I might have taken on in between lives from others. Ask that energies are (no longer) potentially misused/ abused/ manipulated by unfriendly beings being ‘in charge’ of lower chakra energies, now and in between lives! That they cannot attack me, and try to suffocate me with other being’s lower chakra energies, they ‘look after’. That ‘unfriendly’ beings, causing havoc on these levels, and disaffecting my wellbeing, potentially be removed. Etc.
I felt a definite clear shift after doing so. Currently no pressure on my liver and bile ducts, like I had felt for weeks, but it might take a bit longer, until all these healings are through?
And another thing I would like to mention, when I meditate and try to feel Ultimate Good, my helpers, or other beings down here, also doing lightwork, I sometimes cannot feel them! I then send light into these illusions, that try to make me feel forsaken, and after a while, I can attune to my helpers better again! This affirms that they are not indeed absent, but simply that some beings actively try to create the illusion of me being disconnected from them.