This is article is a bit of an addendum to the last one – Compressed grey makes black.
What happens/can happen when a negative energy actually has a physical body?
If my chemistry teachers in high school and university did not lie to me, physical elements do follow certain laws. They bind and or react with each other according to their physical make up (how many protons, neutrons and electrons they possess). As such, at least in the lab, how to elements will react with each other can be predicted relatively accurately. Does the same apply inside the body?
It stands to assume that elements too, have more than just their physical bodies? So like humans, they have an aura/additional aura bodies, which are not visible to most of us, but which can influence the physical world somewhat?
Why do I even ponder about that?
In my quest to heal myself from CFS/ME symptoms, I have done much in term of detox!
Some detoxes come with a specific quality! So when I e.g. targeted mercury (aka the fear metal), I definitely got paranoid feelings and thoughts! Now this could be due to how mercury triggers reactions in my bodies’ cells, including my brain, and the emotional and rational centres there, but I suspect there is more to it? It feels like mercury might have been cursed, and now comes with a lot of black energies in some of it’s aura bodies?
I know this is a potentially a bit too far out, but there is conspiracy theorists, who believe that humanity used to be pretty advanced just about 200years ago. Supposedly they had free energy generators, housed especially in spires and towers of buildings, drawing in aether energies and converting such to electricity? Usually it is assumed, that these free energy machines were driven by mercury somehow. What if the operators, who wanted to set back humanity, also to introduce wired electricity and make an absolute killing of such, also ‘cursed’ the element of mercury? Why curse mercury? Maybe to keep humans from researching it’s potential in future? Mercury did get used as a common medicine back in the day relatively commonly. Which seems crazy now, especially to those, who can ‘feel’ the effect of mercury on their bodies nowadays. Currently I would use no amount of mercury, not even minute ones, as it feels far too toxic, and I am relatively confident, that it has helped to ruin my health in the past. But what if mercury was milder and less evil/aggressive back then?
A few weeks ago, the winter blues kicked in again. So I started feeling achy, fluey and depressed. This usually lasts for weeks on end, all the way till about March. At least it has in past years. This year I came to suspect it might be down to some aluminium, left in my body, though? So I remembered buffered malic acid as a remedy to chelate and detox aluminium. I mixed some up, drank some, and within minutes, the achy feelings vanished! I get similar results, when I take homeopathic Aluminium X12, as a nosode (but the buffered malic acid is a bit more reliable in it’s effect). It was quite miraculous. So I checked the element of aluminium and think to see, that especially it’s higher, spiritual aura bodies are pretty black! Has aluminium been cursed too? Maybe that explains why it seems so difficult (at least for myself) to detox aluminium? I have taken silica for months on end before. Some neurological problems, like aphasia and short term memory problems have improved, but considering for how long I took silica supplements, I would have expected to be clear of aluminium?
So yes, this could just be my specific metabolism reacting to Al or Hg? Maybe I was especially high in a toxic load from the two? Not sure where I would have acquired them in such large amounts, but hey? I have lived pretty healthy though for quite a while now. Mostly organic food, regular exercise, vitamin supplements, regular sauna, regular meditation. If anything I would suspect, that even if I have some Al and or Hg inside me, my body would cope with them effortlessly? But it does not? And I am confident, that there are plenty of folk about, with much higher toxic loads of Al and or Hg, who function and feel fine! Now either my body is wimp-y, or these elements might be able to be switched on somehow, to act more evil than in others, by dark forces/operators? It e.g. feels like my cells somehow feel an aversion to Al and Hg, and even if they can grab them and detox them out, they simply do not feel like it. They require plenty of extra (Light) energy (or a suitable chelator like malic acid or NBMI), to overcome these aversions, and get on the job. I suspect that such elements (and aluminium is really ubiquitous in our lives now) also might help in influencing people (their actions, emotions, thoughts) from afar? My intuition and muscle testing confirm this, but I am aware that I might be paranoid!
Even if my suspicions are true, what use is there in knowing about this?
In my opinion everything can be healed! If there are cursed elements among us, they likely do not just cause havoc in my body, but potentially in other people, and nature in general too? As such there is benefit on sending healing into such elements. I.e. besides detoxing from such elements (for now), helping them heal, and become more benevolent, might well benefit the whole planet/Mother Nature.