In my continued quest to help to dismantle the suffering matrix, I have come across some new epiphanies. Some things seem very slow to heal, and I think to understand why now.
For a suffering matrix to be able to manifest and sustain itself, it has to be very complex and multi levelled. Many redundancies/back-ups have to be built in. Negative energies might require back-up resources of negative energies, they can replenish from ( I see such like black energy lakes, in my minds eye). All that, as I believe everything, at it’s core, is Divine (and hence Good). That good core essence (in ALL) is a constant healing and pulling force, trying to reestablish Good-ness. As such all evil would eventually be self-healing, as long as it not somehow manages to re-enforce its current aberrations.
Many of such mentioned black energy lakes have, from what I can intune, been emptied by now. Evil energy hierarchies have toppled, and what is left to be cleared now, mostly is negative energies inside of us (and all other beings on Earth/ the Universe).
Trying to understand negative energy structures closer to home (i.e. inside my body, or my client’s bodies), I came to understand (or think to have understood) that negative energies are frequently extremely compressed! One might see a tiny black dot (in front of one’s mind’s eye), not bigger than a tiny sand corn or piece of dust, but the ‘energy’ contained is like that of an average human being. Blown up to human level, that tiny black speck, often looks grey though. Hence the headline of this article.
Especially if you are relatively energy sensitive, you might have ‘observed’ such phenomena before? E.g. the size of a human does not necessarily equate the amount of respect or fear they can trigger in others? A violently psychotic person might suddenly develop the strength of several humans. E.g. a friend of mine developed a psychotic break after a Reiki initiation. He thought he was a Prophet now and needed to preach in a renown cathedral. It required 5 or 6 police men to pin him down, when he did not comply with their request to leave. Someone (even oneself) might have an anger fit, where you wonder, where all that anger energy was pent up in their body before? Etc. Toxins are a relatively good example too. A tiny tiny amount of e.g. mercury or botulism, can make one feel extremely ill, or even kill. Somehow some toxins, mange to contain a huge amount of negative energy potential in a small bodies.
To remove all that energy, by letting it flow out of oneself (as safely and protected as possible), it might take some time. If we imagined a water-balloon, shaped like and as voluminous as a human body (i.e. the potential size of a decompressed negative energy), filled with water, and we attached a small tube, maybe a millimetre wide, on the bottom, opened that up, and let the water drain out, that might take a few hours?
Now one could widen the tube, but the wider the tube, the more risk, one cannot contain the flow safely. And we do want to drain a very toxic energy from our body ‘uncontained’.
One could try to cut out else somehow extricate the black dot (in it’s whole), but that might require an amount of energy, equal or greater to the amount of energy contained in that black dot?
And most of us likely not have just one tiny black dot somewhere, but whole structures, and or bigger blobs (like a tumor, but which from their size might contain millions, if not billions of tiny black dots). Cancer could be seen as a biological analogy. Some cancer cells come with great negative energy potential, and can manage to throw the whole organism out of whack, if not completely destroy it (espcl. if we have not worked on bolstering the Light forces in our bodies with healthy diet, exercise, meditation, etc).
So now when I engage a negative energy, I sometimes visualise it ‘blown up’/non-compressed (to human size), and I might see something like an army of grey men in front of me. This might sound daunting, but it actually makes it easier in my opinion. I can now gage better how much energy I require to confront this foe, how much energetic help I need to recruit? And it diminishes the frustration I experienced before, when I engaged an apparently innocuously sized small energy with a bit of healing light, but it simply would not budge, it might even strengthen. (and mind you, I would feel the (healing) resistance of that energy in/on my whole body!). And when that army of grey men vanishes in Light, the energy (black dot inside me) vanishes with them usually! (NB, it also feels easier, to help a grey looking human sized energy to heal, than something that looks pitch black (even if it is much smaller)).
All this, negative energies often being highly compressed in the micro, and multi levelled and structured in the macro, help me understand now, why more often than not, healings are not spontaneous. I know spontaneous and miraculous looking healings exist. I have had some clients, where suddenly e.g. a knee stopped needing surgery, but most healings feel much slower than that. Considering how many people have now learned to channel healing energies, and or pray for sick relatives and friends, if all such efforts would always spontaneously and miraculously help heal (macro sized illnesses), there would be no more sickness on the planet imo?
So to see a suffering matrix structure inside myself, it can take years, before I am able (or allowed) to even see it, and then weeks or even months, until it has completely cleared. Why did I not see (and or understand) all of those structures like 27years ago, when I first prayed for all suffering to be abolished from my life? I reckon, that for one, they had some kind of powerful camouflage, and also, because seeing them all, before I, plus my spiritual helpers, were anywhere close to being able to heal/release them all, would have just frustrated me immensely? Likely scared me quite a bit too!
I should mention too, even whole structures can be compressed into small bits. So let us say one manages to completely clear an illness, and feel fab after such a healing session, the same illness might still be inside that patient (in further black dots), compressed (like a software back up). It might then decompress overnight, and the next morning, when one wakes up, the illness feels back and as ever present as before. So spiritual healing often enough requires tenaciousness. I believe it often is more about quantity, rather than quality. So a e.g. daily, mediocre channelled healing by e.g. an uninitiated/untrained family member, over the course of several weeks, might help more than seeing that one renown, powerful, trained healer once (or a handful of times), to overcome a more severe illness. I read similar from an acupuncturist. She said that with e.g. sever pain patients, she needs to see them several times per week initially. Once per week or every two weeks, simply usually does not put a palpable and lasting dent into the pain. Whereas supposedly milder pain conditions can be managed, seeing a patient less frequently.
As mentioned, I do feel that many of the macro suffering matrix structures and back-ups (like black energy lakes) have been dismantled (especially over the last 3years). And it is becoming easier to remove the compressed stuff inside of us, because as a whole, our Universe is moving into realms, where the healing energies (and beings) we can recruit to our aid, are thicker, more potent, more capable. So conditions that required a lot of health management so far, even to just be manageable, might, in not too far future, completely heal, by just sitting down and meditating, and allowing for it? Ie we are imo shifting from a realm, where negative energies were ubiquitous, and came with huge energy-potential, to a realm, where the Light is ubiquitous as well, with the same great energy-potential, if not much greater! (And yes, I am aware that even before, humans sometimes were able to perform super-human feats. So the love of a mother might enable her to lift a car, under which her child is pinned. But such feats so far were relatively rare, and I suspect they will become much more common place in the hopefully not too far future).